Dear Beloved Church family,
We wanted to send a brief update about what is happening in Mexico. First, our Christmas was very different without our kids, grandkids, and our church family. But we made the best of it. We were able to have 2 weeks off from the grind of language school, which was a needed break for both Gina and me. We both took language tests in December. I was blessed to achieve the level I need to move to Mexico City. I know that sounds impressive, but it is not. I still speak like a 3–4-year-old child. Gina has improved greatly in her language and tested much better than expected. She will achieve the needed goal soon. We are both working hard at language because we know how important it is to our role here in Mexico. I have had the opportunity to preach in 3 different churches (in Spanish) here and around Puebla. In fact, last Sunday I preached in our home church for the first time for the 39 th Anniversary of the church. It was great and I did a solid job. This Sunday I have been invited to preach at a different church in the area. Pray that I can effectively deliver God’s Word. Also, I have been invited to teach at a conference at a church about an hour from here. It’s a great opportunity. Right now, it looks like we will be moving to Mexico City the last week of April. Here are some areas in which you can pray for us: 1. Pray for advancement in language speaking and understanding. 2. Pray that I choose the appropriate topic to teach during this conference. 3. Pray for Gina she has had some minor health issues that we have had to deal with during the recent months. 4. Pray that I may gain the proper discernment about teaching a group of students in Spanish (online) here in Puebla about how to prepare biblical sermons. It’s a hard decision because preaching is not my field of expertise, but I do have a lot of experience in preaching. A big issue is I don’t have my books yet so it would demand a lot of prep. 5. Pray that Gina can find a couple of language partners that can meet with her weekly on a consistent basis. We are so grateful for your support! We love and miss you all so very much. Blessings to all, Eric and Gina Spano, your IMB missionaries